Christmas Animation
When thinking about Christmas and what we could give back to our clients and the wider community, we started with unearthing the Remarkable Truth of holiday time. The RT® of getting to our breaks is immense pressure of insane work deadlines, cramming last minute shopping in, and whilst somewhat enjoyable, Christmas entertaining can actually be too much and add to the chaos of just getting to our time off.
So, to help everyone relax, de-stress, and become a bit more blissful, we decided to put together this special Binaural Beats video. Binaural beats are tones that can have tremendous health benefits, including relaxation. On top of that, we wanted to share our own light-hearted personality with the quirky little story to compliment the beats, help put people in a better space and share a bit of genuine joy.
Copywriting, Illustration, Motion, Art Direction, Animation, Video