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No.003 – Brand New Lover


It’s that time of year again when love is in the air and even the shyest amongst us find a way to express how they feel. Candlelit dinner? Chocolates? Long-stem roses? Romantic greeting cards? Bottle of bubbly followed by a little afternoon delight? Personally, we hope you get them all.

But when it comes to your brand, what happens when people feel something less than true love? If sales have slowed and you’re not getting the attention you deserve, maybe it’s time for a brand makeover, or at the very least, time to ask yourself some tough questions:


Before anyone can fall in love with your brand, you have to be in love with your brand.

If customers are giving you the old “it’s not you, it’s me” chances are it really might be you. But we’re not here to hurt your feelings, we’re here to help, so let’s make some sweet romance.

If you’re no longer getting the looks you used to, it could mean your product or service is seen as, or has over time become, a commodity, lost relevance or fallen off the radar. Ouch. We know, sometimes love stinks. So what’s a lonely brand to do?

When sales are slow it’s normal to respond by trying to make yourself more attractive.
To do this many brands resort to short-sighted solutions such as:

  • In-store promotions
  • Discounts and giveaways – or worse, Groupon
  • Quickie face lifts that don’t fool anyone
  • Jumping into social media without a strategy or even knowing why
  • Running ads without the right, or relevant message

These types of behaviours may increase short-term sales, but they detract heavily from your brands long-term value. And by default they pretty much guarantee your days of charging a premium price for your product – no matter how great you think it is – are over.

So how can you attract new lovers and keep, or win back, the old?
Here’s a little secret:

You can’t force it. You can only encourage it.

Brand love comes naturally when you effectively and authentically communicate what’s special about you in a way that resonates with your audience. Once you do this, everything else will fall into place. How do I do
this you ask? Start by getting some free relationship advice from a friend you can trust. And by “friend” we
mean Monogram.


Five things you can do right now to help customers love you long time:

01. Enjoy What You Do.
Nothing is more attractive than genuine passion. If you have it, people will notice. So dig deep and find that special something that got you here in the first place. Once you’ve rekindled the sparks, make sure you let everyone know.

02. Make a Difference.
Are you doing something unusual in your industry/category? If not, what problems exist that you can solve for others? Can you find a way to offer something not currently being delivered? Remember, people fall in love with things they think are unique and special.

03. Show Them You Care.
You’ve uncovered what’s so special about you, but why should anyone care? Does your specialness satiate your customers desires? Make sure you understand what your audience really wants and give it to them.

04. Trim the Fat.
Make sure your communications strategy is in tip-top shape. Anything that isn’t authentic, memorable and imminently lovable needs to go. In this fast paced modern world, things change fast. Yesterdays promotion could be today’s dead weight.

05. Consider their Feelings.
Here’s a shocker: It’s not all about you. It takes two to make a thing go right.* Take a minute to review your Customer’s buying experience. Was it easy? Informative? Rewarding? Seamless? Would you buy from you? Or is their more room to surprise and delight?

That thing about “if you love something, set it free?” Don’t do that.

Seriously, you’ll be out of business in a month. But that doesn’t mean you can’t add value affordably and effectively. Below some examples of how other brands are getting their fair share of the love.

 Mr. Porter   mrporter.com
  • Their website is more like a magazine than an online store. It’s full of expert tips from industry insiders with pertinent info to share.
  • Not only do they offer free return shipping, they’ll send someone to pick your returns up. They know people who don’t have time to shop in a real store probably don’t have time for a trip to the Post Office.
  • Online fashion Advisors make you feel like you’re part of an elite club.
  • Option to get special, fancy packaging at no extra cost – makes shopping feel like buying gifts.
Dollar Shave Club   dollarshaveclub.com
  • They turned the category on its head with fresh language and a single, simple proposition.
  • Shaving and razors (no matter how many blades they have) are boring. DSC made them fun and affordable.
  • Used humor to sell value, as opposed to tech.
LuLu Lemon   lululemon.com
  • Instead of trying to compete in the crowded sports apparel category, they speak to a specific and unique audience – Yoga addicts.
  • They solved a real problem by providing a quality product that women could work out in and feel comfortable enough in to wear in public.
  • They sponsor local yoga instructors with free gear and in-store teaching space so they both can expand their clientele.
Who can you turn to when the thrill is gone?

All relationships require great Understanding and Communication. Here at Monogram, we specialize in both. So if you’re stuck all alone this Valentines Day and wondering where all the love went, give us a call. Our professionally trained Brand Counsellors will have you back on the market and back in love in no time.

*It takes two to make it outa sight.    https://youtu.be/5IBRbzf3Fws

At Monogram we work with brands who bring something special to the world and aspire to be No.1. If that sounds like you, then do get in touch. And if that sounds like someone you know, then feel free to forward this post.